Wednesday, November 23, 2005


There was a time not too long ago in my life where I felt very unthankful for things that had happened. My world, which seemed to be spinning so fast at the time, came to a standstill. I had lost a brother and a friend. I remember sitting in the car with my best friend and trying to comprehend all that had just happend. How can I be thankful for such an event?
But little did I know how God was going to use that day in my life. Have you ever wondered why we are supposed to count it all joy when we fall into various trials? Because God is working out His perfect plan in us to make us complete. Without these trials we are shallow; we are lacking this steadfastness that we need. We are hollow shells; we are incomplete vessels. I am not complete. . . . . yet! God is not finished with me yet, and to make me complete, lacking nothing, God will work out his plan!
So I have plenty to be thankful for. First of all I have finally started this stupid blog. This might be the only posting in it for a while. Second I am thankful for relationships. I am thankful for love that is better than life. If all that I had was my relationship with Christ, I would need to be eternally grateful. But, God has given me a wonderful fiancee and the coolest friends ever. My family has been important especially lately in my life.
I am thankful that my brother is spending thanksgiving with the One who is the ultimate lover of his soul. Mike is thankful I am sure too.


Anonymous said...

Bro, so good to see you finally joined the cool crowd and made a blog. That was some good stuff you posted my friend. I agree 100% Praise God that He is the God who is all about giving us second chances, and providing for us when we need it.

Ryno my fryno

Anonymous said...

Ur such a copy cat! hey man totally great idea and thoughts. I am thankful for you man.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bobby,
Yeah, so I know this is kind of a late post, but I just got your blog site...THanks for always being an encouragement to me. Especially when we sat at Berres Brothers back in August. You're a great friend and I know God will use you in a special way. I'm still praying for you cause I know how easily people forget. I love ya dude--always keep your Christianity so real...I'm glad you got a blog, check mine out sometime.